Early Community Outreach
Proposed New Development: 9275 57th Ave S, Rainier Beach
A Mixed-use building in the Rainier Beach Historic Business District
We are proposing a mixed use apartment building on two vacant lots along 57th Ave S. The site is in the heart of what is identified by the neighborhood plan as the “historic business district" and one of the four pearls of Rainier Beach. link to the neighborhood plan
The five story building is a mix of one and two bedroom homes above commercial spaces. The proposed building is approximately 32,000 gross square feet. Given the urban village zoning and difficulty of vehicular access, no parking is proposed.
This webpage is in support of EARLY COMMUNITY OUTREACH REGARDING A PROPOSED PROJECT GOING THROUGH DESIGN REVIEW. We also sincerely want feedback from the community. Please use the online survey to let us know your thoughts.