What is your connection to this development project?
I live very close to the project
I live in the general area
I own a business nearby
I visit the area often for work or leisure
I don’t have a direct connection, but I care about growth and development in Seattle
Other [fill in blank, 100 character maximum]
What is your favorite building in Rainier Beach and why?
What is most important to you about a new building at this location?
That it is nice looking
That it looks unique and interesting
That it brings new services or amenities to the area (businesses, open space, etc.)
That is affordable for residents and/or businesses
That it is designed to be family-friendly
That it is designed with environmental sustainability in mind
We will be providing retail spaces along 57th street. What type of business would you like to see in this building?
Coffee shop, restaurant, pub, etc.
Personal services (hair/nails, gym, laundry, etc.)
Other shopping (convenience store, drug store, gift shop, etc.)
Small or local businesses of any type
Other [fill in blank, 100 character maximum]
What is missing in Rainier Beach? What specific businesses would you like to see here?
What concerns do you have about this project?
Construction noise/impacts
The current greenspace is going away
That I will not like the way it looks
That it will not be affordable
That it may feel out of scale with other buildings nearby
That it will make driving and parking in the neighborhood more difficult
I don’t really have any specific concerns
Other [fill in blank, 100 character maximum]